Pique Behind the Curtain Vol. 18

A newsletter for those who are interested in climate solutions, media and film production

Waste Not, Want Not (Water, That Is)

Pssssst. Hey, you!

Yeah, you ☺️.

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Epic Cleantec

Did you know that buildings use 14% of all potable water in the world? We use an incredible amount of water and its heat energy for things like showers, cooking, dishwashers, or laundry - but very few buildings recycle it.

Epic Cleantec takes building wastewater and converts it into three outputs: clean water, soil products, and recovered wastewater heat energy.

By producing this high-quality water, they can help buildings reuse anywhere from 50% to 95% of their wastewater!

Sneak Pique

Next week, we’re talking 💩. But don’t worry, we won’t gossip. 

Cloud Paper is a bamboo-based product company creating new and sustainable toilet paper and paper towels. 

Today, 20% of deforestation globally is due to tree-based toilet paper and paper towels. Unlike trees, bamboo does not need to be replanted after it is harvested because it continues to grow, absorbing carbon in the process. Bamboo toilet paper generates at least 30% less greenhouse gas emissions compared to tree-based toilet paper.

Curious to know more? Check back in next week for the film!

Can We Stop the Deserts from Growing? - DW Planet A

Earth's soils are degrading into deserts at an alarming rate, and the consequences are potentially catastrophic. Can humans turn them into useful, fertile land? Some scientists believe that experiments in Saudi Arabia make the answer ‘yes’. 

Good Climate News!

This week in good climate news 🌍:

Talk about putting your money where your mouth is! The USDA is investing $1 billion in climate-friendly agriculture practices.

The types of projects included in this latest Biden administration climate initiative could include methane capture, supply chain decarbonization, and sustainable agriculture subsidies.

Besides its ability to preserve natural resources, sustainable agriculture benefits the environment by maintaining soil quality, reducing erosion, and preserving the quality of local water supplies.

Every week we share recommendations from readers about climate films and documentaries to watch. This week’s rec comes from Sarah Nelson. 

  • The Soil Will Save Us - Kristen Ohlson discusses the crossroads of science, farming, food, and environmentalism and theorizes the only significant way to remove carbon dioxide from the air. 

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