When the Wildfire Hits Home: A Pique Perspective

What can we say that hasn’t been said? For starters, Pique Action is a Los Angeles-based company, and we’re grateful to report that our team is safe. Our kids are back to school and, for us, there are semblances of normalcy. Read on for our unique thoughts on navigating this climate disaster, how to help, and what's ahead.

Get the Facts

Misinformation thrives in crisis situations and it can be harmful to those critical decisions. Like many of our neighbors, we have relied on Watch Duty, a non-profit organization that runs an app and website with real time fire information streams such as fire perimeter, evacuation and evacuation warning zones, official press releases, conferences, and communications, fire fighting activity updates, weather, air quality, satellite hot spot data and much more. We relied on it hourly for accurate information—check it out via their app or website.

Take Care of Ourselves

Just like the pre-flight routine when flight attendants say, “place your own oxygen mask before assisting others,” it’s critical that we’re all safe, healthy, and focused before we can help those in need. 

Like anyone living in LA and millions more around the world, we have been traumatized. Dealing with grief is challenging, and we actively work to mitigate the worst of stress, fear, anger, and loss. Kip has been listening to UCLA Mindfulness Meditations for +16 years. The guided meditations are free and help settle the mind and soothe the spirit.

Take Care of Each Other

Reaching out to share love and support is one of the most connective things you can do. Like many Angelenos, we have heard from colleagues, clients, friends, and partners. The outpouring of love we’ve received has been a valuable mental buoy. From our experience, when you reach out to someone affected by a disaster, a simple message letting them know you're thinking of them is best.  An easy rule of thumb is this – can your message be replied to with a simple “Thanks”, thumbs up or heart, or maybe, no reply at all?  If yes, you’re on the right track. 

Looking Ahead

As our communities begin to pick up the pieces, we understand that there will be cascading consequences that we aren’t fully aware of today. The long-term effects of these fires—on air, water, the economy, resources, and inequality—are yet to unfold. Rebuilding will require enormous effort and resources.  

For those who want to contribute - there is a lot you can do. We are gathering information in several areas, including air quality, support for first and second responders, and workers who have lost jobs. Please be in touch if there is something specific you would like to do or a resource you’re looking for.   Additionally, the Emergency Network Los Angeles (ENLA) website provides excellent guidance on volunteering and donating.

Our Hopes for the Future

While much has been lost, we hope there will also be a lot gained. We hope this tragedy strengthens community bonds and inspires clear-sighted action to address climate risks. The time to mitigate climate change is now—by reducing fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions. Together, we hope to continue working toward a more resilient and hopeful future for our planet and future generations.

Kip Pastor, Hana Leshner & Melissa Kepen