Far from Pique-ing, we’re just getting started.
Welcome back to Pique Behind the Curtain. Today, you’re getting a look at the effectiveness of e-bikes, a preview of a startup innovating in the solar-tech landscape, and a story exemplifying what you already know about Indigenous knowledge: we should be using it.
This week, a startup breathes new air into carbon capture, farmers in Bangladesh find a unique form of flood protection, and one European country commits to coughing up cash for climate. Let’s get into it.
Noya is a startup capturing carbon using existing industrial infrastructure. Sounds too good to be true? Read on so I can prove you wrong.
I know you usually expect your PBTC in your inbox on humpday to shove you through the rest of your week - but this is a special edition. And that’s because it’s… CLIMATE WEEK!
No, that wasn’t a typo. Keep reading for the pun context!
Bruce Springsteen, if you’re reading this, it’s my formal request to make you a wind energy spokesperson.
A newsletter for those who are interested in climate solutions, media and film production