Gobbling Up an Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving 🌎 🦃

Thanksgiving’s around the corner, despite it still feeling like summer in most of the country. With this holiday coming up, we wanted to unpack how much this food-based celebration impacts the environment. Turkey and Thanksgiving are synonymous for most of us, so, how much turkey do Americans eat on this day? Let's find out.

How Can We Decarbonize the Food System? 🐄 🌱 🍳

90 billion pounds of food is wasted every year and 44 million people in the U.S. don’t know where their next meal is coming from. 4 billion people worldwide rely on nitrogen fertilizer made with fossil fuels. Today we’re highlighting two orgs, Switch Bioworks and Feeding America, fighting to decarbonize the food space and reroute food to the people who need it most. Keep reading to hear about Episode 1 of Reinventing Tomorrow and Episode 3 of Where the Internet Lives.

Your Vote, Our Planet: Power Up Climate Impact at the Polls🗳️

Newsflash: Voting is how you can make the most climate impact. This election is extremely critical for the climate movement and every vote counts. The results of this election could help fund more initiatives to decarbonize the planet and help during the green energy transition. Today we focus on local elections because they can truly move the needle, especially matter when pushing for decarbonization. Keep reading to meet a few climate champions running this Fall + how your vote actually matters.
